: : Kufukari Apple : :

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
hello. X)

I'm Kufukari
my real name is Iyah_3112
Sorry f im usin' malay word
sumtym i combine wif english word
i mean malay wrd also n english word also i mean
I hope dat i will blogging everyday in my life...
And Thnxxx for my cuzzy... dat she help 2 sign me up da new blogging
im very appreciate about her....

To my cuzzy...
>>> Kimi...~~~ ehehehehe usai g ah blog ku ahahahaha...
bwenx ku udh ne... jus testing... X)
so0 thnx alotzz... *ikhlas*
X)) syok pkai eyh... ahahahaha....
skadar ku ah....

just normal day but boring because
since morning untill the afternoon
can work my connection in pc but..
the enternet can't work it...

And luckly...
thnxxx also 4 my cuzzy,kimi
ehehehe she tried 2 help me repair the connection...
but the enternet still didn't work it...

But At night
it work...
so maybe datz ol~
for today...

maybe tomorrow
i will blogging...
f my Enternet can work it...

Gudnyte SweetDream

Urgently- kufukari_3112

posted by Kufukari Apple at 11/13/2007 09:15:00 PM |