hey muninx
yesterday im already almost publish blogging bt my cuzzy came to my house
ehehe so dat im nut blogging yesterday
and also yesterday im playin' Ar tonelicoa - Melody of Elemia
kimi jus see me playin' dat game...
( ada lh tym lst2 a2 ku nda dpt defeat when i play alone.. kalah!)
ahahaha Thnxx alotz for defeat the robat ya kh???
kimi jua tuee helpin' me up...
thnxx alotz....
about my blog yesterday
i already almost complete my blog den my mum
close the pc... adyh~
(urg nak PUBLISH POST huhuhuhu)
and we have tahlil yesterday
at my grandmother house
And also i get LEE DA HAE a.k.a Cherry
pix.. i took her pix jus 5 pix only
*I love her stylish!*
* i hope i can meet her someday *
so today
in da mornin...
i was continue playing dat game ahaha majal...
(jauh udh ehehehe)
maybe later i goin' out wif my father..
(after smbhyg jumaat) ehehe
maybe buy a new shoes for jogging...
maybe my father buy it mine no!
maybe datz ol~
Sii`Apple Iyah 3112
yesterday im already almost publish blogging bt my cuzzy came to my house
ehehe so dat im nut blogging yesterday
and also yesterday im playin' Ar tonelicoa - Melody of Elemia
kimi jus see me playin' dat game...
( ada lh tym lst2 a2 ku nda dpt defeat when i play alone.. kalah!)
ahahaha Thnxx alotz for defeat the robat ya kh???
kimi jua tuee helpin' me up...
thnxx alotz....
about my blog yesterday
i already almost complete my blog den my mum
close the pc... adyh~
(urg nak PUBLISH POST huhuhuhu)
and we have tahlil yesterday
at my grandmother house
And also i get LEE DA HAE a.k.a Cherry
pix.. i took her pix jus 5 pix only

* i hope i can meet her someday *
so today
in da mornin...
i was continue playing dat game ahaha majal...
(jauh udh ehehehe)
maybe later i goin' out wif my father..
(after smbhyg jumaat) ehehe
maybe buy a new shoes for jogging...
maybe my father buy it mine no!
maybe datz ol~
Sii`Apple Iyah 3112