: : Kufukari Apple : :

Friday, January 18, 2008
hye gud morning..
Until today already have my connection
last week no have connection and
i still waitin' 4 it.. like nw..
i seldom playin pc and cekin' fs, chatting
& blogging
but if the connection gone im just watchin' tv
o studying
i hope this connection be work in like this as forever..
aahahahaha apakn~

to my cuzzy..
sorry f im nut wplyin' ur tag boxxx..
:D and i don't knw what to say...

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 1/18/2008 09:52:00 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
hye gud afternun
At 2.oo a.m i was suprising that the thunder&lightnin' was very shocked
to me from the window.. & the rainin' was very heavy
that time i was afraid because im Alone..
Until 3:00 am i back to sleep..

And about school tdi
STILL JUA.. but mcm mare sja tdi c Zaim because
when he throwin' sumthin' outside[bh buleh ku dkat pn2]
liked he talkin' wif me but im closin' the do0r
Im just wanna say Sorry to HIM
AAAaa... cna ne???what shud i do to him???
C mur tuee pnya psal...!!!
& his the one always distrbing me..
and his friend Hazwan&Faiz =) EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
i don't knw by tomorrow [maybe not! maybe yes! i don't knw]
I know their name oledi!!
& POA time i thought hetakin' sastera
but POA [alaaa.. pengsan saya!! yth tdi ya ddk sblh ku pndh tya yg sblh ny g]

By tomorrow
i want my friend wafy
when resces time be with me..
they always distrbing at that time..
anytime when go sum where
i hope so he want to0
Tomorrow watch and see

mybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 1/08/2008 05:10:00 PM | 0 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Hey gud aftenun to all..
ehehehe today actually have P.E.
but my teacher start it nxt week...
my P.E. would be every monday at 2PM!!!!
Aduh! aher bnr ahahahahaha.. pksa staybck =)
YAY! i already transsfer my classro0m to block C
at airconditioner room
but all in the class to many 32
today my friend from pggmb last 2 year
he seclass with meh iaitu Wafy Jamal
ahhaha.. finally i get sum1 wif
but i already many friend mur, and sum gurl n little know my classamte boy =)

All my classmate especialy the noty boy so0 lame..
they always call MY NAME EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! the time in brek,finishing school,class&lab
they always annoying to meh
i don't knw what his name but i knw him from FS
but he don't knw meh
ehehehe [ buat2 nda tao ja] =D

friendly2 plg urg ny dsna asal urg ny tuee baik...
but he's friendly guys =) to me & kind to me..
every otw watever always same2 walk liked Derrrr~~

and about tdi
ada CCA i don't knw which want to choose it..
im just follow her[mur] CCA i mean

maybe maybe i pick the cultural - dance =)
hopefully.. =)

and owh yea about my ART
mcm 1st time i draw it...
liked biasa sja.. ahahaha...
mur can handle it than me
i mean she can do it than me
she can draw than me... ehehehehe

iath slama ne ku sma ia th gnya and sorg chinese yen sin x namany
lpa dh ahahahahah

maybe thta's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 1/07/2008 02:53:00 PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
hey gudsftenuun.. =)
today is so0 hotx ahaha..
nw im in pom 4D
ahahahahaha new student from xpggmb =)
that time meh nut wif my friend [mimi]
she in pom 4F wif faiq & wafiy jamal =)
i choice group 3 but she 4
but i dun't want to choose sasteraa
maybe difficult & sum1 say easy..
but i dun have choice abt that
but 4 meh i want ART =)
maybe easy 4 meh the ART

it was my first time go there
i meet my chatterz
Bahzi[xpggmb 3]
Aina[ xpggmb 2]
Aini[xpggmb 1]
nadilah[ xsunshine school]
today im so famous..
bnyk urg knl meh..

ahahaha ofcourse my cuzzy
nabil & afifa i meet her at Hall
but nabil in pom 3J x?maybe la f im nut wrong dkat class ku g tuee ahahahahaha
my class up but my friend dwn
pksa turn2 sja ne

about that school..
IT'S VERY HOT!! nada be aircondition ahaha..
that time my teacher to0 bzy so she couldn't come at my class..
i have my new friend - mur,ling-sang,qilah that name only i knw..
the others i couldn't remmber ehehehe.. ada g sepundan tuee ahhaha
i think at my class, my classmate is very good & handal2..
but nice hehe bni2 gnya kn kwn ma ku,.. ahaha..
i dun accept friend wif the boysss yuckxxx aahhaha..
All the boy so0o0o0 lame!!! some not laa..
tomorrow go to school.. again..
i dun yet have my timetable ehhehhee
[alum g bljar =p]

aahahaha tomorrow sejati start schooling..
ahahaha and owh yea tomorrow go home meh join ur dad kimi
wif afifa,sejati & ur bro =)

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 1/02/2008 02:11:00 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
hey gud evening to All..
who have been readin' my blog until
nw,the New YearSeason today...
And I wanna say Happie New Year
to All.. my cuzn,my friend& anyone

But the borengness
was our start school..
by tomorrow
form 2- 5 uuuu..
and u knw what [ ada wah urg a2 buyuk isux ny g skol tuee]
menyindir urg ah...
the new student form 1 ahahaha...

nada dih.. spa terasa ia th 2... =)
just kidding..
& also Happie Opening School to all who still schoolin'..
& for this year 2008 who is taking biggest exam 4 form 3 & 5
im just wanna say gudlux n wish in go luck~~
and i pray 4 you...
[wal ku ah saja skali skala kcian jua ku dorg menghdp pperiksaan basar]

tomorrow can'y wait go to school..
but im afraid gover school..
it was my 1st time go to the gover school..
i hope i can find my class..
kng " WE LOST" ahahaha..
that's to0 lame 4 meh...
& nervous going that school..
& can't wait to see my best friend
mimi yayayaya.. finally i have sum1 to wif..
Wish Me Luck

-hey kimi
ur's unfair
ahaha apkn~

and owh yea i almost forget
about lee da hae...
congratz to her last nyte..
laa i dun't saw lst nyte at #303 her show's award
maybe that time im oledi sleepinx =D

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 1/01/2008 07:30:00 PM | 0 comments