hey gud evening to All..
who have been readin' my blog until
nw,the New YearSeason today...
And I wanna say Happie New Year
to All.. my cuzn,my friend& anyone
But the borengness
was our start school..
by tomorrow
form 2- 5 uuuu..
and u knw what [ ada wah urg a2 buyuk isux ny g skol tuee]
menyindir urg ah...
the new student form 1 ahahaha...
nada dih.. spa terasa ia th 2... =)
just kidding..
& also Happie Opening School to all who still schoolin'..
& for this year 2008 who is taking biggest exam 4 form 3 & 5
im just wanna say gudlux n wish in go luck~~
and i pray 4 you...
[wal ku ah saja skali skala kcian jua ku dorg menghdp pperiksaan basar]
tomorrow can'y wait go to school..
but im afraid gover school..
it was my 1st time go to the gover school..
i hope i can find my class..
kng " WE LOST" ahahaha..
that's to0 lame 4 meh...
& nervous going that school..
& can't wait to see my best friend
mimi yayayaya.. finally i have sum1 to wif..Wish Me Luck
-hey kimi
ur's unfair
ahaha apkn~
and owh yea i almost forget
about lee da hae...
congratz to her last nyte..
laa i dun't saw lst nyte at #303 her show's award
maybe that time im oledi sleepinx =D
maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
who have been readin' my blog until
nw,the New YearSeason today...
And I wanna say Happie New Year
to All.. my cuzn,my friend& anyone
But the borengness
was our start school..
by tomorrow
form 2- 5 uuuu..
and u knw what [ ada wah urg a2 buyuk isux ny g skol tuee]
menyindir urg ah...
the new student form 1 ahahaha...
nada dih.. spa terasa ia th 2... =)
just kidding..
& also Happie Opening School to all who still schoolin'..
& for this year 2008 who is taking biggest exam 4 form 3 & 5
im just wanna say gudlux n wish in go luck~~
and i pray 4 you...
[wal ku ah saja skali skala kcian jua ku dorg menghdp pperiksaan basar]
tomorrow can'y wait go to school..
but im afraid gover school..
it was my 1st time go to the gover school..
i hope i can find my class..
kng " WE LOST" ahahaha..
that's to0 lame 4 meh...
& nervous going that school..
& can't wait to see my best friend
mimi yayayaya.. finally i have sum1 to wif..Wish Me Luck
-hey kimi
ur's unfair
ahaha apkn~
and owh yea i almost forget
about lee da hae...
congratz to her last nyte..
laa i dun't saw lst nyte at #303 her show's award
maybe that time im oledi sleepinx =D
maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112