: : Kufukari Apple : :

Monday, December 17, 2007
hi gud morning.. =)
today i get my pmb slip ehehe..
my history teacher liked sad because i don't pass in history only..
but next year maybe i will get history subject
and my classmate came also get PMB slip
the name is nazirul he get 3 dist.
he's great gettin' higher mark...
than me =(
[im just get credit&pass]
but no worries i have to study hard again and again
then we eat at juntion food but we eat that food the name is " Kong Dim Sum "
ehehehe im eatin' japanese food or china???i don't know..
you just see 4 urself & i have 5 pix food.. is it china or japanese food..??

the black one i don't what to say..
just likee errr~..
the 4 pix liked the seafood
very delicious ahaha....

later maybe i go to my cuzzy house..
if sejati 0r fifa came... =D

**To all who pass in PMB examination..
congratzz.. then continue our studies in form 4&5
maybe this timed hard subject
but itzchokie we can do it again!**
**and To all who nut get it..
im just wanna say keep up!do ur best again~
don't thinkin negative but thinkin' the positve thing..
just said that i can do it! just liked.. me and don't forget to pray 4 our biq examination...**

comment my PMB result..
- Alhamdulilah ku pass& syukur kepada Allah
but im must be study hard next year
because im skolin' at kerjaan skol [SMJA]
syukur la.. ku dpt credit..
syg ny ku nda dpt dist.
nda pa ada chance g...
o'level =)
that i supose to study veryx2 hard to get 9 or 7'O
and one more things..
i want me&liyana be classmate&same school..
i want we be friend forever and classmate forever
i hope we same class next year.. =)

To PGGMB-ians in form 3A,B,C&D..
- take PMB slip anytime.. okiee..
i oledi get it.. nut just only me..
jgn lpa... ambil...

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112

posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/17/2007 10:26:00 AM |