: : Kufukari Apple : :

Monday, December 3, 2007

i have good news..
now i already defeat the viruses that one is all about the viruses..
(it will be back soon) that is the first phase..
now i already at the seconda phase about aurica&misha ehehe..
nw already jauh dah...

the first phase,
About the virus
(i already defeat the virus and they will be back soon)

And now,
the second phase ,
About Aurica&Misha ( now im play this section)

i will be continue this game ehehe
untill the end of this game...
im just waitin' for new game (just like dis game maybe the continous )
the title is Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica
(i don't what the meanin' of Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica)
maybe this word from japanese i noe i't's nut knda word as japan but what i mean is
the sound liked as the japanese word(maybe) :S

this new game i mean it..
if i already finish the 1st game
im buy this new game
im already to continue this game...
(it's like different people)
not liked as aurica and misha..
i thought they grown up already but im wrong..
this people maybe different people..
maybe something in this new game..
i can't wait... X)

maybe that 's all...
thank qu for reading my blog...

Sii`iyah Apple3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/03/2007 03:54:00 PM |