: : Kufukari Apple : :

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
hey gud evenin'
hm today...
my ps2 liked already can't worked it..
but no worries~ thnx to my cuzzy... kimi ehehe
liked trz2 mao ehehe she just angkat tdy
u noe wat pas2 mao tya... p lau kn men ps2 mesti buat ca2
nglih nyer tue... p asal sja mao men ehehe...

i hope my ps2 will be repair...
i mean i want my parent to repair this PS2 at game shop but it was very expensive $1++.++
huhuhuhu.. please pray from me.. that my parent will repair it...

** This week...
th PMB result will be come so0n..
owh dear~ im afraid.... =S
please pray for me if u pray for me...
i also pray for you... X)
I hope me,my clasmate,my cuzzy&other skol who are taken PMB examination
will pass and promoted to Form 4 Amin~**
And also i want to get PURE SCIENCE subject and New hp..

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple3112 X)
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/04/2007 08:08:00 PM |