: : Kufukari Apple : :

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
hey gud afternoon
about i can't i mean i can't defeat the bourd from that game
he still alive.. but i already defeat in the 1st place when im playin in phase 1
now.. agains defeat him but i can't...
he is stronger than lyner,jack,misha and krushce
but misha already have her song back and she now already change...
she is nut liked a chlidish anymore.. she already grown up as adult..
and lyner have a new sword given by president tenbaa..
[baik rpany president of tenba]

cuzzy plish help me to defeat that monster man..
ahaha u know what i mean don't you kimi?
when fifa&sejati back.. suruh dorg krmh utk menolongi si diaku
ahahahaha... please2... i need some help plish...
this game until phase 3 you know it's to0 long to defeat that creature
or whateffer is it...
important is i want to end up that game as quick as possible...
plish help me.... i need to play new game..

**OMG! might be tomorrow or thursday the result is out..
im afraid... wish me,my classmate& other who takin' pmb
gettin' luck.. i hope we pass in this exam Amin~**

btw i mish em'
where are they??lmbt dorg blix ne
[baik kmu blix ada masalah arh ku ne
about game plg tue xp]

maybe that's all..
Sii`Apple 3112

posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/11/2007 01:08:00 PM |