: : Kufukari Apple : :

Monday, December 31, 2007
Hello.. gud murning.. =)
meh today busday nw 16 year old already
& Happie new year to All..
Today im nut celebrate.. lazy & nervous
but i want my present =(
nada dih just joke2 =)

& no comment for meh..
about my busday ahahaha
nervous ler... [nda biasa]
owh yea the opening school only 2 days
im afraid & it was my 1st time go to goverment school..
wish me luck..

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/31/2007 08:13:00 AM | 0 comments
Saturday, December 29, 2007
hi good afternoon..
yesterday i supose blog about the bbq
but yesterday i was tired...

and also i forget takin' pix yesterday
ehehehe sorry.. =)
and last night what the horrible they talking about ' stubborrr '
i don't knw hw to spell ehehehe.. but i know to pronounce
and just forget about that....
so kimi r u ready in that video at youtube???
what you called it..
' StuBBooRRrr '
kng lee da hae say' dun be lyke this '
ehehehe just jokking...

and sejati-chan sleep at my house =)
ehehehe finally i have sum 1 to talk or wateve ehehehe....
as long [ da dgn]

owh yea today,
my friend Alinor-kun =)
busday today ehehehe,..
for his busday ;
Happie Belateday to you Alinor..
Mayy Allah bless you..
& wish go luck...
and see ya nxt year & also gudluck 4 pmb
i hope u pass in that exam
dun be give up.. must concern & learn more & study hard

maybe that's all..
don't know what to say

Sii`Iyah Apple 3112

posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/29/2007 02:37:00 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
hello good evening to all who read my blogs..

so today
my cuzzy of my dad i mean his lil sister birthday
Wish she luck&may Allah bless Her..Amin
& X-mas day..

to the mall... me& my bf & my cuzzy..
meh & afiq.. we 1st went to mall.. and waiting for sejati-chan, afifa-cha&naddy-chan..
ehehe we waitin for them in 1 hour something.. ehehe maybe
then we decided to see the moviee nut meh deny their decision ahaha..
because my bf came.. so they only watched but meh no huhux
[ sayang ny dorg lyat ceta sii cute a2 ] the title is..
" Alvin & The Chipmunks " but my bf came late so im nut see..
that time they otw go 2 watch the moviee..
and meh alone & waiting him an hours.. huhuhu..

i decided to walk around and around...
see the new game.. and at the best eastern place where buyin' reading books..
And some guys were flirting but im run away from em' but when i go in to the best eastern shop
they dun't really won't go in because many ppl inside but you knw what its too cold
and u knw what when my bf arrived and sum xbf call my name.. do u remmber faizal???
the other blog told about him???don't you kimi??? now, he looks different before 1st meet
liked [ majal ia mngil nama ku] and you knw what [ pksa jua ku lyn.. skjp jua gnya.. just say hi]
and my bf mad.. untill now we just forget it about him..
and i meet x-sunshine skol - wafa
my classmate pggmb - Aizuddien
x-pggmb form 5 student in 2005 maybe
if im nut mistaken..

and last night i go to shoppin' wif family..
and that time i called him to came to meet again.
im so happy.. yesterday i saw bbu inah uncle yusri , sejati&afifa..
but that time im run away from em because im to0 afraid that meh&my bf&his friend&cuzyy roming around.
&to show meh that im jln2 wif him

yesterday! im very happy that we meet two times! wif cuzzy & my family
OMG! i hope we meet again liked yesterday ehehe.. ;)

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/25/2007 08:15:00 PM | 0 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
hye gud morning..
sorry last night i don't blog.. ehe..
last night im very tired ehehehe..

And yesterday we have eat2 at kimi-chan house =)
untill night but night have tahlil... different function.. =D

and in aftrenoon..
we watched death water..
it was very creepy story and we shouted because of that horrible ghost/monster
[sama jua bni2 a2 minum jua... ada kh mkn tulang anakny? =/?]
ehehehe mental me ahaha.. =D
and also i watched my girl.. it's funny.. ehehehe...
she gud being act at that story ahahaha... and the green rose..
ahahaha i remmber that she get knocked at the tree by 2 person guys who is lastly fall on em.. =)
ahahaha i remmber that.. ahahahahahahahahaha lol xp

and today, im going to my cuzzy of my dad
because have function [betunang]
don't in english word =D
im nut to good in english..
and then, continue to rimba house at
my grandmother house
have eat2 also because my cuzzy lnjaaa...

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112

posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/21/2007 09:08:00 AM | 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
hi gud morning.. =)
today i get my pmb slip ehehe..
my history teacher liked sad because i don't pass in history only..
but next year maybe i will get history subject
and my classmate came also get PMB slip
the name is nazirul he get 3 dist.
he's great gettin' higher mark...
than me =(
[im just get credit&pass]
but no worries i have to study hard again and again
then we eat at juntion food but we eat that food the name is " Kong Dim Sum "
ehehehe im eatin' japanese food or china???i don't know..
you just see 4 urself & i have 5 pix food.. is it china or japanese food..??

the black one i don't what to say..
just likee errr~..
the 4 pix liked the seafood
very delicious ahaha....

later maybe i go to my cuzzy house..
if sejati 0r fifa came... =D

**To all who pass in PMB examination..
congratzz.. then continue our studies in form 4&5
maybe this timed hard subject
but itzchokie we can do it again!**
**and To all who nut get it..
im just wanna say keep up!do ur best again~
don't thinkin negative but thinkin' the positve thing..
just said that i can do it! just liked.. me and don't forget to pray 4 our biq examination...**

comment my PMB result..
- Alhamdulilah ku pass& syukur kepada Allah
but im must be study hard next year
because im skolin' at kerjaan skol [SMJA]
syukur la.. ku dpt credit..
syg ny ku nda dpt dist.
nda pa ada chance g...
o'level =)
that i supose to study veryx2 hard to get 9 or 7'O
and one more things..
i want me&liyana be classmate&same school..
i want we be friend forever and classmate forever
i hope we same class next year.. =)

To PGGMB-ians in form 3A,B,C&D..
- take PMB slip anytime.. okiee..
i oledi get it.. nut just only me..
jgn lpa... ambil...

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112

posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/17/2007 10:26:00 AM | 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
hye gud evening..
so tomorrow..
my PMB result coming out...
so wish we luck... me,my classmate,my best friend,my friend,my cuzzy,my chatterz&other's
who is takin' PMB...
Mudhn2 Pass dlm Perperiksaan PMB ne..
and also f jdi juaa... ehehe mna tao ari isnin g d kuar kn..
lum tntu.. =)

owh yea tdi ku kmiri.. lyked bwenx.. dunnoe wat to buy..
but i forget wanted to buy a new le.gardiene.. ya kn?m i corret that's spell???
and also tdi i meet pggmb student form 5&ex-pggmb in form 3 liked me..

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/14/2007 06:19:00 PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
hey today is my sis,nut really my sis...
i mean my bf sis birthday today ehehe...
So happy birthday to zariana...
wish you luck.. and not to be noty..
already grown up...
adyh sis ne ska ur bf rpnya setia sekali... ehehe=D
i hope you&Him be together forever
i hopefully sis have a time to enjoy and have time to hard work for ur job..
[ i mean ya already have a job] eheheehe
and finally... May Allah bless you.. =)
and semoga sis happily eve and t'cre
owh yeaa thnx 4 bringin' me at ur friend's house..
when the hari raya tyme and at ur house also
thnx alotz =)
i know she don't know i have a blog..
maybe next timee she might know my blog someday~

to kimi ; hello nvmin i can handle it..
maybe i don't know if the finaliest has come that game you should come immediate
at my home as soon as possible... ahaha...

maybe that's all i want to say for today ehe ;)
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112

posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/12/2007 09:41:00 AM | 0 comments
hey gud morning..
what a lovely day...
so brightnesss and HOT!
eheheh =)

today i can do it to defeat th bourd !
yay! me... =) now i already far to play that game..
since i defeat the bourd... i must go to the platina
to tell the news about the bourd is already die..
and the next is they rest
then lady shurelia nw became bad... because of ayantane!!!
(he give some spell o magic at lady shurelia.. so that's why she become bad!!
i don't know ayantane is a bad person...
in the first beginning ayantane is a good and helpful person..
but now is not.. he is BAD! bo0000 dun be lyke dis???
[ Rmmber dun be lyke dis]ahaha apkn~
and lyner's father was takin' by shureliaa..
now lyner is the leader to takin' back his father and lady shurelia

later i continue that game...
ehehe wish me luck...
seems no news 4 the PMB result today...???
maybe tomorrow... =S
im afraid afraid afraid...
help me... prey for me and i also prey for you..
not just only me but my classmate,cuzzy&other's who takin' pmb..
Mudhn th PASS Amin~

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/12/2007 09:23:00 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
hey gud afternoon
about i can't i mean i can't defeat the bourd from that game
he still alive.. but i already defeat in the 1st place when im playin in phase 1
now.. agains defeat him but i can't...
he is stronger than lyner,jack,misha and krushce
but misha already have her song back and she now already change...
she is nut liked a chlidish anymore.. she already grown up as adult..
and lyner have a new sword given by president tenbaa..
[baik rpany president of tenba]

cuzzy plish help me to defeat that monster man..
ahaha u know what i mean don't you kimi?
when fifa&sejati back.. suruh dorg krmh utk menolongi si diaku
ahahahaha... please2... i need some help plish...
this game until phase 3 you know it's to0 long to defeat that creature
or whateffer is it...
important is i want to end up that game as quick as possible...
plish help me.... i need to play new game..

**OMG! might be tomorrow or thursday the result is out..
im afraid... wish me,my classmate& other who takin' pmb
gettin' luck.. i hope we pass in this exam Amin~**

btw i mish em'
where are they??lmbt dorg blix ne
[baik kmu blix ada masalah arh ku ne
about game plg tue xp]

maybe that's all..
Sii`Apple 3112

posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/11/2007 01:08:00 PM | 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
hey gud afternoon..
Finally.. i know where im goin' nw to play that game
i mean Ar tonelico ; the melody of elemiaa..
thnx to my cuzzy again...
yesterday im nut concern to read the misha path world at the faqs
so that i don't know where to go...
now i know where im goin' because im very concern and tryin' to find that place
finally i found it.. =)

now , i almost get the misha song
but im tired now maybe tomorrow
i will continue play that game..
i must end this up as quickly as possible because
i want to play other game.. ehehehe...
this game until phase 3...
[bth g menungu]
i don't know what's next about phase 3?
maybe about the virus again??
i hope not!

OMG!this week
the PMB result is now in processing to coming out..
im nut realise it..
but im afraid...
i hope i pass in PMB examination
not just only me but my fiend,my clasmate&other who's takin' pmb

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/10/2007 04:46:00 PM | 0 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
hey gud afternoon..
hmm.. about connection
early mornin' my mother usin' my pc..
the connection cn't work it..
now it's already can worked it..
thnx me.. ehehe im repairin' the connection ehe

so early morning
im continue playin' game..
you know what i don't know where to go again~
i mean Ar tonelico ; the melody of elemia.. ehehe
im liked don't understndin the continue phase 2 but phase 1 i understnd..
now misha already level 7... ehehehe quick faster than aurica....
but misha comsphere was horrible.. and became bad.. huhux

after that we eat breakfast at i don't know the name of restaurnt..
[ bkn plg restaurant mcm bhgian food fast ehehe]
but the restaurant name is Kong Dim Sum
[ i hope you know that restaurant]..
but it gud taste X))
im eat the chinese food [halal ok?]
you want to see ??? im takin' that food pix..

*it gud taste*
p halal ehe ;)
[curi2 gmbr g tue]

maybe that's all
for today ehehe..

Sii Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/09/2007 03:49:00 PM | 0 comments
Friday, December 7, 2007

Hello gud munin'
yesterday i went to mall wif my cuzzy{Naddy}
ehehehe many people came there huhuhu...
and many people wearin' black t-shirt
maybe Emo group ehhehehe..
liked hello... my hair jus lyked emo...
so that many emo people see me...
mine hair not emo ok??
Stylish liked Lee da hae a.k.a Cherry
old stylish... ehehehehe

and also some guys from their friend same as liked my cuzzy(boy)
huhuuhuhu i thought he wif their friend
rpany nda.. ehehe kai bju MAN U g tuee huhuhuh.
and also many people wearin' MAN U t-shirt...
im so happy.. huhuhux
Ofcourse we LOVE MAN U!
also i meet my friend and chatterz there.. jus 50%

yesterday i want to buy new game..
but i want liked my cuzzy game PERSONA 3

** I love that character
liked the emo style..
ehehehe i don't know his name

but i can't find it..
so maybe nxt time i searchin' for it..
i want to buy but im afraid baa..
f you understnd nice ehe

and i found new shadow heart game
the title was
Shadow Heart ; From The New World

(sorry can't show up their pix..
because my connectin nut very strong..
jus 5o% only X)
thank you for your co-operation )

and also i want to buy it
but i don't yet finished that game huhuhux
i mean the shadow heart ; convenant
just only half to go the endin' game (maybe)

and yesterday we have tahlil at my grandmother's house...
i'm nut see kimi there...
where are you???
Actually i noe where are you went when you nut at grandmother's house..

maybe that 's all about yesterday
ehehe *peace*

Sii`Iyah Apple3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/07/2007 11:49:00 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
hey gud evenin'
hm today...
my ps2 liked already can't worked it..
but no worries~ thnx to my cuzzy... kimi ehehe
liked trz2 mao ehehe she just angkat tdy
u noe wat pas2 mao tya... p lau kn men ps2 mesti buat ca2
nglih nyer tue... p asal sja mao men ehehe...

i hope my ps2 will be repair...
i mean i want my parent to repair this PS2 at game shop but it was very expensive $1++.++
huhuhuhu.. please pray from me.. that my parent will repair it...

** This week...
th PMB result will be come so0n..
owh dear~ im afraid.... =S
please pray for me if u pray for me...
i also pray for you... X)
I hope me,my clasmate,my cuzzy&other skol who are taken PMB examination
will pass and promoted to Form 4 Amin~**
And also i want to get PURE SCIENCE subject and New hp..

maybe that's all..
Sii`Iyah Apple3112 X)
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/04/2007 08:08:00 PM | 0 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007

i have good news..
now i already defeat the viruses that one is all about the viruses..
(it will be back soon) that is the first phase..
now i already at the seconda phase about aurica&misha ehehe..
nw already jauh dah...

the first phase,
About the virus
(i already defeat the virus and they will be back soon)

And now,
the second phase ,
About Aurica&Misha ( now im play this section)

i will be continue this game ehehe
untill the end of this game...
im just waitin' for new game (just like dis game maybe the continous )
the title is Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica
(i don't what the meanin' of Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica)
maybe this word from japanese i noe i't's nut knda word as japan but what i mean is
the sound liked as the japanese word(maybe) :S

this new game i mean it..
if i already finish the 1st game
im buy this new game
im already to continue this game...
(it's like different people)
not liked as aurica and misha..
i thought they grown up already but im wrong..
this people maybe different people..
maybe something in this new game..
i can't wait... X)

maybe that 's all...
thank qu for reading my blog...

Sii`iyah Apple3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/03/2007 03:54:00 PM | 0 comments
Saturday, December 1, 2007
today is my pwen's bufday...
Happie Birthday to Izzatul...
at the age of 15 huhuhux
muda dh ne n don't be noty
maybe you don't noe ku ne da blog ehe X))
Wish You the BEST~
I hope you n me still be friend
and don't forget us(me&liyana) when we transfer school nxt year...
nnti ku bgi ko present.. ehehe Xp
im very appreciate about her..
she's nice,to rock and smart
maybe datz ol i can talk about her

And today she's celebrate at Muara beach
but i can't make it.. because nobody want to sent me there..
biasa kejaa.. hehehee bzz ler...

Sii`Iyah Apple3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/01/2007 02:59:00 PM | 0 comments
hello.. ehehe...
i cut my hair... (only infront)
at back still maintain.. ehe..

ehehe* i love it...*
*i'm just follow lee da hae hairs*...
(ku itot kn arh bckgrnd pc ku ahaha)
nw, oledi long hair jus back&front..
i mean lee da hae hair's now
bt mine oledi cut off ahaha

in da muninx
i continue play Ar tonelicoa - Melody of Elemia...
udh jauh...
Yea! i defeat c BOURD!!
jauh dh majal~
maybe this time i nut need to help my cuzzy
i can handle it by myself ahaha..
maybe later i play in da aftenun

later at night
we have BBQ at my grandmother house..
See you guys there... (only for my cuzzy)
hopefully... we enjoy our BBQ.. X))
maybe datz ol~

Sii`Iyah Apple 3112
posted by Kufukari Apple at 12/01/2007 11:13:00 AM | 0 comments